Upcoming Events & News
Please join us for our township meetings, held on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month.
July 4th Parade & Annual Fireworks
The Enon VFW's annual fireworks is at dusk July 3rd. The July 4th parade begins at 2PM. Lineup is behind the new Greennon High School at 1PM.
Special Meeting
Attention: There is a special meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 8th, 2021 at 8PM at the Hustead Fire Department to discuss dispatch & the facilities involved.
July 5th Meeting Moved to July 6th
In observance of Independence Day, we will not be holding our Trustee meeting on July 5th. This meeting will be rescheduled to Tuesday, July 6th, 2021 at 7:30PM.
Trustee Meeting Date Rescheduled
Attention: Mad River Township Trustees meeting (originally 6/21/21) is rescheduled for 6/28/21. Please update your calendars.
Spring Update!
Mad River Township crews are paving the way to a great spring! Blacktop patching is in full swing and in mid April, resurfacing will begin on Fowler followed by Jackson , Stine and Garrison. Keep an eye out and watch for farm machinery and the renewal levy for...
Organization Meeting & 1st Regular Meeting of 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Mad River Township Trustees have called for the Organizational meeting for calendar 2021 to be held on Monday, January 4, 2021 at approximately 7:30 PM. The 1st Regular Session Meeting of calendar 2021 will be held...
Special Meeting 8/24/2020
PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Mad River Township Trustees have called for a Special Meetingon Monday, August 24, 2020 at approximately 9:00 AM. The meeting will take place at the MadRiver Township Road Department Building, located at...
Road Resurfacing
On September 1st 2020, road resurfacing will begin with chip and sealing in Tiffany Acres and Chico Court at the west end of Jackson Road as well as from McDonald’s to just south of Southern Vista Drive.
Upcoming August Meeting
On August 17th 2020, Mad River Township will be holding another meeting to discuss communitee issues, needs, and upcoming events.
Gas Aggregation
In November 2014, Mad River Township voters approved an electric and gas aggregation program. This allows the township to use group buying power to shop for cost-effective energy suppliers. The township receives no revenue from this program, all savings are passed on to our residents.
Community Voting Locations
This November, we will once again get the opportunity to vote on important issues that affect our communities both small and large. Please refer to the below information to find the voting location for your area.